2024 was a key year for the EPA in the provision of timely and targeted information on the environment

In 2024, the EPA completed more inspections, monitoring, and sampling than ever before, including: Over 2,500 waterbodies monitored Over 1,300 inspections of industrial and waste facilities Over 210 urban wastewater treatment plant inspections 200+ Drinking water plant inspections Continuous air quality monitoring at 115 stations The EPA’s 2004 State of the Environment report highlights that […]

Progress, economic prosperity, and health all threatened unless Ireland increases the scale, pace, and ambition of environmental action

Ireland has modernized and prospered since joining the EU over 50 years ago – future prosperity and health are threatened unless we better protect our environment. We are continuously playing catch-up – a forward step in one area is often matched by one or two steps back in another. Actions on many fronts are having […]

Ireland is projected to exceed its National and EU climate targets

Ireland is projected to achieve a reduction of up to 29 per cent in total greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, compared to a target of 51 per cent, when the impact of the majority of actions outlined in Climate Action Plan 2024 is included.   To achieve a reduction of 29 per cent would require […]

Bathing water quality remains high overall, but heavy summer rainfall is putting pressure on our beaches

Bathing water quality in 2023 was high overall, with 97 per cent (143 of 148) of sites meeting or exceeding the minimum standard, the same number as in 2022. 114 bathing sites (77 per cent) had excellent water quality, down from 117 in 2022. The number of beaches with poor bathing water quality increased to […]

Ammonia emissions down one per cent in 2022, however further reductions needed to protect health and the environment

Ireland’s ammonia emissions decreased by one per cent in 2022. Despite this, Ireland remains non-compliant in 2022 with our EU Emissions Reduction commitment for ammonia. The decrease in ammonia emissions reflects lower pig and poultry numbers, an increase in low emission slurry spreading and use of inhibited urea fertiliser on farms. Compliance with the EU […]

EPA report shows low uptake of Green Public Procurement in government department contracts

Of €922 million spend by government departments on contracts in 2022, 34 per cent included green criteria. The increase in the use of green criteria (10% in 2021, 34% in 2022) is encouraging but still at a low level. All government departments must improve their implementation of Green Public Procurement and purchase more resource-efficient and […]

Odour and Noise Complaints accounted for 90 per cent of all complaints to the EPA in 2023

The EPA carried out over 1,200 inspections at 535 licensed industrial and waste facilities. 91 per cent of these were unannounced.   The Licence & Enforcement Access Portal (LEAP) launched in 2023 giving the public enhanced access to environmental information.   The EPA identified 11 sites as National Priority Sites for enforcement in 2023.  Most […]

People in Ireland continue to be positive about benefits of climate action

The results of the second wave of the EPA’s Climate Change in the Irish Mind survey show: Consistent with the previous study, findings show widespread agreement on many climate change attitudes and strong majority support for climate action. 81 percent of people in Ireland are worried about climate change and 75 percent think extreme weather […]

EPA’s Review of 2023 showcases work to address environmental challenges

In 2023 the EPA: Carried out over 1,200 inspections of industrial and waste facilities, along with 205 urban waste water and 154 drinking water site inspections. Obtained 19 convictions for environmental offences. Monitored more than 2,500 waterbodies – with data showing no significant improvement in water quality – largely caused by high nutrient levels. Provided […]

The evidence is clear: Climate change is happening – EPA

Ireland’s Climate Change Assessment is the first comprehensive and authoritative assessment of the state of knowledge of climate change in Ireland. We are living in and experiencing a changing climate. In line with global trends, 16 of the 20 warmest years in Ireland have occurred since 1990. More action is needed to meet Ireland’s legally binding emissions […]

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