4th July, Independence Day for Children with Special Needs
On Wednesday next, 4th July, children with special needs, and their parents and school support workers, will take to the streets and lay claim to the independence that should be the birth-right of these children. Unfortunately, because of the catalogue of cutbacks being imposed by the current Fine Gael/Labour government, that fundamental human right is […]
Mortgage To Rent Scheme Provides Certainty And Security For Low Income Families Most Affected By Economic Turmoil
The Government is determined to provide certainty and security for families who face the imminent prospect of repossession of their family home according to Minister for Housing and Planning, Jan O’Sullivan, TD. Minister O’Sullivan was speaking today (28 June, 2012) at the launch of the ‘mortgage to rent’ scheme. The scheme is specifically targeted […]
The Fiscal Compact Treaty, In Ireland’s best interest?
The Fiscal Compact Treaty, In Ireland’s best interest? Would the ESM and Fiscal Compact have prevented the recession? Not according to the Economist; The pact’s rigidity would make recessions worse, and the new fiscal rule would not have kept Ireland or Spain out of trouble. Not according to the Davy Report (Bloomberg: Conall Mac Coille, […]
United Left Alliance rejects Austerity Treaty and calls for No vote in referendum
The ULA today rejected the Austerity Treaty as a bankers treaty, in continuity with the bank bailouts already made, and an attack on the living standards of ordinary people and the public services on which we depend. The ULA demands a full public debate on the treaty and will vigorously campaign for a ‘no’ vote […]
ECB gets Valentines Card but Government Shows Little Love to People
On Valentine’s Day, the Anglo: Not Our Debt campaign has called on the Irish Government to show people in Ireland that it “really cares” by suspending repayments of Anglo Irish Bank’s debts. The Debt Justice Action network – encompassing a unique coalition of representatives from the trade union, community, faith-based, global justice, environmental and academic […]
Household tax the first step to property and water taxes
The Campaign Against Household and Water Taxes has claimed that Government plans to introduce water taxes by 2014 mean that ordinary households will be hit with stealth taxes of 1000+ euro within two years when the combined cost of water tax and property tax are taken into account. The Campaign challenged Minister Hogan’s contention that […]
Criminal Gangs Running Protection Racket
We Need To Be the Change that we want, we can complain all day long but that will achieve nothing, we need to take direct action against these bullies, these criminals, if we are too scared to do it for ourselves then we should do it for our children. Any parent worth their salt would […]
Petition to President to call for a Referendum on ESM Treaty
Dear Sir /Madam The People’s Association Watchdog have petitioned the President to request that he use the powers of his office to call for a referendum on the ESM treaty. We are completely opposed to Enda Kenny TD seeking to use the judgement of the Attorney General to define such a crucial issue without the […]
Banks Approach To Farm Families Must Maintain Viable Businesses – IFA
At the start of 2012, IFA President John Bryan has called on all banks to engage constructively with farmers and small businesses, whose debt levels are threatening the viability of otherwise sustainable businesses. He said “IFA is promoting a loan-restructuring strategy with banks where farmers would agree to dispose of non-core assets, with the […]