Objection to Stability Treaty information leaflet

The People’s Association Watchdog would like to formally object to the government’s ‘information’ website and leaflet in regard to the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union. We would further protest the use of any public funds for this document. We believe this contravenes the mcKenna judgement and clearly shows […]

The Fiscal Compact Treaty, In Ireland’s best interest?

The Fiscal Compact Treaty, In Ireland’s best interest? Would the ESM and Fiscal Compact have prevented the recession? Not according to the Economist; The pact’s rigidity would make recessions worse, and the new fiscal rule would not have kept Ireland or Spain out of trouble. Not according to the Davy Report (Bloomberg: Conall Mac Coille, […]

Criminal Gangs Running Protection Racket

We Need To Be the Change that we want, we can complain all day long but that will achieve nothing, we need to take direct action against these bullies, these criminals, if we are too scared to do it for ourselves then we should do it for our children. Any parent worth their salt would […]

Petition to President to call for a Referendum on ESM Treaty

Dear Sir /Madam The People’s Association Watchdog have petitioned the President to request that he use the powers of his office to call for a referendum on the ESM treaty. We are completely opposed to Enda Kenny TD seeking to use the judgement of the Attorney General to define such a crucial issue without the […]

People’s Association Watchdog (PAW), call upon the government to BAN FRACKING in Ireland

We, the members of the People’s Association Watchdog (PAW), call upon the government to BAN FRACKING in Ireland. The People’s Association Watchdog (PAW) is a group of informed concerned citizens who engage ourselves in addressing current issues.  As citizens of Ireland we are angered at decisions being taken for short term gain regardless of their […]