Calling all young STEM enthusiasts: SciFest competition kicks-off ahead of its 20th anniversary
SciFest, Ireland’s largest and most inclusive STEM fair programme for second-level students has announced its return ahead of its 20th anniversary with a call for entrants to the SciFest regional fairs, taking place across the country. The SciFest programme is funded by grants from the Department of Education and Research Ireland and by private sector sponsorship, […]
The European Commission launches the ‘ImagineEU’ competition for secondary schools
In this school year, pupils in Ireland are invited to share their ideas about how to make Europe an (even) better place to live, with the chance of winning a study trip to Brussels! The competition complements the release of the toolkit “EU Democracy in Action’- Have your say with the European Citizens’ Initiative” that teachers can use to familiarise […]
Over 67,100 candidates receive Junior Cycle results today 23 November
The State Examinations Commission (SEC) congratulates the candidates who sat the Junior Cycle examination in 2022 and whose results issued today. Individual Statements of Provisional Examination Results have been posted so as to arrive in schools this morning. Schools will also receive a report for the school showing the results for each candidate. Any candidate […]
MIC & INTO launch Ashling Murphy Scholarship
Mary Immaculate College (MIC) and the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) have today launched an entrance scholarship in memory of Ashling Murphy. The Ashling Murphy Scholarship was launched at the INTO Education Conference at the Tullamore Court Hotel this afternoon. Ashling graduated as a primary teacher from Mary Immaculate College just three months before she […]
Commencement of Leaving Certificate Examinations 2021 – Wednesday 9 June 2021
Some, 61,500 candidates are entered for the 2021 Leaving Certificate which comprises both examinations and Accredited Grades. Candidates have been able to opt to sit their examinations, to receive Accredited Grades, or both on a subject-by-subject basis. Candidates finalised their choices through the Candidate Self Service Portal in early May. In total, 58,342 candidates are […]
October 1st 2021 announced as the “establishment” day date of TUS: Midlands Midwest
October 1, 2021 has been announced as the first day of the Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest. From the first day in October, Athlone Institute of Technology (AIT) and Limerick Institute of Technology (LIT) will cease to exist, and more than 15,000 students and 1,200 staff across the Midlands and Midwest will be […]
Impact of School Closures on Examination Activities #Covid19 #CoronaVirus
As a result of the current closure of all schools in the State, the impact on the state examination activities scheduled at this time and in the near future has been considered by the State Examinations Commission (SEC) in conjunction with the Department of Education and Skills. Consequently, the SEC is confirming… • The cancellation […]
EPA publishes Junior Cert resource pack on reducing food waste to tackle climate change
The EPA has produced an educational resource pack to support over 20,000 Junior Certificate students to learn about sustainable living through the Home Economics curriculum. Reducing food waste is one of the most effective actions we can take to address climate change. The resource pack is be used by Home Economics teachers to engage students […]
LIT and AIT Confirm Move to Form Technological University Consortium
New TU to have “regional focus with a national reach and an international outlook” LIT has confirmed that it is forming a consortium with AIT to develop a new Technological University (TU) for the Mid-West and Midlands. The governing bodies of both institutions met last week and formally confirmed the formation of a new TU […]
ESB Science Blast to Ignite the Primary School Calendar
ESB has teamed up with the RDS to launch ESB Science Blast with showcases in Dublin, Limerick and Belfast in 2019 Entire 4th-6th classes encouraged to get involved in a non-competitive education programme investigating the science behind a simple question Up to 13,000 primary school students from all over Ireland involved in this inaugural year Events will take place […]