Successful Celebration of Ireland’s Independence Day 21st January
The President of the Irish Republican Brotherhood, William James McGuire would like to thank the Lord Mayor of Dublin, Críona Ní Daláigh and staff at the Mansion House and all who attended the Cabinet Room at noon for the 97th Annual Turning of the Sovereign Seal of Dáil éireann and Dáil éireann courts (4 courts) and to celebrate Ireland’s Independence Day since 21.1.1919.

The event in the Mansion House was culminated by a presentation from the President of the IRB on the importance of the Turning of the Sovereign Seal Harp in claiming Ireland’s natural resources of oil, gas, minerals, water and fishing rights which belong
to the Sovereign People of Ireland as proclaimed, exactly and verbatim in accordance with the 1916 Proclamation.

The day’s celebrations continued with a large gathering at the GPO for a reading of the proclamation beneath the pillars. A walking tour proceeded towards Moore Street and O’Rahilly’s Parade where the 1916 I.R.B. Military Council made their last attempt to freedom in order to reach the tunnel at the Rotunda which led to IRB GHQ Vaughan’s Hotel, 29 Parnell Sq.

For further information please go to Billy
Or contact:
William James McGuire (IRB President)
Lee House, Askeaton, Co. Limerick, Sovereign Republic of éire