Offaly people urged to make their will after research findings show only 34% of people living in Ireland have made a will
Best Will in the World Week launched offering will consultations for €50
Only 34% of people living in Ireland have made a will according to Amarach Research on behaviour and attitudes to will making conducted for the MyLegacy organisation (a coalition of over 70 Irish charities) in August 2012. This finding is consistent with similar research conducted in May 2006. The research also shows that only 51% of those aged between 45 and 64 years of age have a will but 82% of those over age 65 years have a will. The importance of making a will is being highlighted to the people of Offaly in the lead up to the second Best Will in the World Week which takes place from Monday 22nd – Friday 26th October when local participating solicitors are offering will consultations for a flat fee of €50. See for a list of participating solicitors and charities.

Pictured from left to right is Adam Dunne (aged 4 years) and Zara Smullen (aged 5 years) Mr. David Bell, oldest practising solicitor in Ireland, aged 92 and Susan O’Dwyer, Chairperson, MyLegacy and CEO, Make-A-Wish Foundation.
During Best Will in the World Week, those interested in making or updating an existing will, are also being encouraged to leave a gift to their favourite charity in their will after loved ones have been looked after. Solicitors taking part in Offaly to date include:
· Brian P Adams & Company, Cormac Street, Tullamore
· Joseph Brophy & Co., Patrick’s Court, Patrick’s Street, Tullamore
· JD Scanlon & Co., The Bridge Centre (beside the Post Office),O’Connor Square, Tullamore
· Smyth Stapleton & Co., O’Moore Street, Tullamore
· Joahanna B Mc Gowan Solicitors, High Street, Tullamore
Speaking in advance of the launch of Best Will in the World Week, Susan O’Dwyer, Chairperson, MyLegacy and CEO, Make-A-Wish Foundation said “Not having a will can have serious consequences for your family after you are gone. In the absence of a will, there can be bitter legal disputes and the possibility of the State having to make decisions regarding the distribution of your property and assets and we all want to avoid that. So during our Best Will in the World Week, MyLegacy has organised that solicitors in Offaly will offer consultations for a flat fee of €50 to give people the opportunity to make a will or update an existing will and consider leaving a gift to charity.”
The research (x 1,000 respondents aged 16 years+) commissioned by MyLegacy further shows;
- 44% of those who have not made a will intend to do so within the next five years.
- 68% of people aged 45 – 64 years who do not have a will intend to make one within the next five years.
- But only 57% of those aged over 65 years who do not have a will intend to make one within the next five years.
- Men (at 47%) are slightly more likely to want to change their will than women (at 39%) but this intention decreases as men get older.
- 37% of those in higher socio-economic groups have made a will in comparison to only 30% from more disadvantaged groups
Also speaking at the launch of Best Will in the World Week, Mr David Bell, aged 93 years, the oldest practising solicitor in Ireland from Moriarty & Company, Anglesea Street, D2 said “We believe that Best Will in the World Week will give people the opportunity to get cost effective, practical and impartial advice on will making and will encourage them to get a will made or an existing will updated easing practical and financial issues for loved ones later. We would also like people to consider leaving a gift to their favourite charity in their will which can be a wonderfully fulfilling experience that in turn can benefit countless people after they are gone. But in order to do this, the first step has to be to make a will or change your existing will.”
· MyLegacy, established in 2003 is a coalition of over 70 Irish charities that have come together to promote the importance of will making and the power of leaving a gift to your favourite charity in your will.
· During Best Will in the World Week 2012 (Monday 22nd – Friday 26th October) solicitors across Ireland will offer will consultations for just €50 (including VAT). If there are any additional costs after the will consultation, these will be discussed by the solicitor separately with the client. MyLegacy asks that during this initial will consultation and subsequent drawing up of your will and when loved ones have been looked after, that people consider leaving a gift in their will to their favourite charity. For a list of participating solicitors and member charities of MyLegacy, please visit