Easy to use guide to planning enforcement launched
Minister for Housing and Planning, Jan O’Sullivan, TD today (19/11/2012) launched a user-friendly guide to planning enforcement in Ireland. Speaking at the launch Minister O’Sullivan said, “Rebuilding public confidence in the planning system is one of my key aims. For too long the way we communicate planning information has been weighted down with technical […]
Minister O’Sullivan launches Consultation Document for the regulation of Approved Housing Bodies
Jan O’Sullivan, Minister for Housing and Planning, today (8/8/2012) launched a draft voluntary code for the regulation of approved housing bodies. The draft code, which is available on the Department’s website www.environ.ie, is available for public consultation until 21 September, and will be formally launched thereafter. In publishing this consultation document, the Minister recognised […]
Minister Jan O’Sullivan provides €67.75 million to improve homes of older people and people with a disability
Ms. Jan O’Sullivan T.D., Minister for Housing and Planning, today 24 February 2012 announced a capital provision of €67.75m for grants to improve or adapt the private homes of older people and people with a disability in 2012. Announcing the allocations, the Minister said, “The Government is determined that our scarce resources are targeted […]