Embrace FARM hosts its Annual Remembrance Service for bereaved farm families #EmbraceFARM

On Sunday, June 30th, Embrace FARM will hold its Annual Ecumenical Remembrance Service, inviting farm families to remember loved ones lost within their community. Over the past decade, this service has become an important event, honouring those who have died suddenly and providing comfort for their families. This year, the service will take place at 2 pm in the Most Holy Rosary […]

There’s a culture on our farms and it’s killing us

Ahead of Farm Safety Week 2020, representatives from some of Ireland’s key safety, farming and community organisations have come together to deliver a strong message aimed at reducing the number of fatalities and serious injuries on Irish farms.   The #SpeakUp for #FarmSafety video is calling on the public to help reduce farm accidents and fatalities on Irish […]