Parenting Survey Reveals 80% of Irish Mums are Worried About Quality of Care in Creches
EIGHT out of 10 mums are concerned about the quality of care in Irish crèches following recent damning media reports. Research conducted ahead of the forthcoming maternity & infant Awards has revealed how 80% of mothers are worried their children are not receiving adequate care in Irish childcare facilities. The findings follow on from recent […]
Survey finds over half of preschools & crèches nationwide would close if Minister for Social Protection’s sick pay proposal is implemented
Over half of preschools and crèches nationwide would close if required to pay the first month’s sick pay for absent staff, if Minister for Social Protection Joan Burton’s sick pay proposal is implemented. This is according to sick pay survey published 1st August by Early Childhood Ireland, the representative group for preschools, daycare (crèches) and […]