Dogs Trust Issue Halloween Tips For A Howling Good Time

Long-term dogs showcase their best ‘Tricks for Treats’ in an adorable video

Halloween is a notoriously unsettling time for our four- legged friends, after all how are they supposed to understand all these new loud noises, bright lights and ghoulish characters calling to the door. It’s no wonder dogs are at greater risk of injury or straying when they are feeling scared and confused by Halloween celebrations.

Perhaps your dog takes it all in their stride, or maybe they are of a more nervous disposition. Either way, Dogs Trust has put together some ways in which you can make sure that Halloween scares are kept to a minimum for your four legged friend.

Keeping your Dog Safe this Halloween
If your dog is feeling scared or nervous, there are some things you can do to help make sure they don’t get too upset or hurt themselves in a panic.

  • Walk your dog before it gets dark to avoid fireworks and flashing lights.
  • Provide a safe hiding place for your dog indoors and close the curtains as many dogs are afraid of the flashing lights from fireworks, not just the noise they make.
  • Play soothing music on your TV or radio to drown out scary noises.
  • Do not leave your dog alone outdoors during the Halloween period, scared dogs can make desperate attempts to escape and there is the danger of him being injured.
  • Be extra careful when opening the door as your dog may escape; if possible, try to ensure there is another closed door between your dog and your front door.
  • Make sure that your dog is wearing a collar and an ID tag and that his microchip details are up to date via in case he escapes.

As well as keeping your dog safe, it is important to ensure that you can make the night as enjoyable as possible by keeping him distracted with treats and games. Give your dog a Kong or K9 Connectables jam packed with tasty goodies, which will help keep him busy and calm. Plus, chewing helps release endorphins for your dog, which in turn leaves him feeling much happier.

Although Dogs Trust recommends not taking your dog Trick or Treating, that does not mean your dog needs to be left out of the fun, as some of the long-term dogs in Dogs Trust Rehoming Centre demonstrate!! Clever canines Guy, Oscar, Belinda, Charlie and Pluto will do anything for a tasty treat and show off their impressive repertoire of tricks in a cute video created by the charity called ‘Tricks for Treats’.

Please also Remember!
Never force your dog to wear a dog costume – loosely tied festive doggie bandanas are usually more acceptable for dogs.

Keep the treats and sweets away from your furry friends. Chocolate, raisins and the sweetener xylitol are poisonous to dogs. If you suspect your dog has eaten anything he shouldn’t, please call your local veterinary practice immediately and always store their out of hour’s emergency number on your phone.

Do not force your dog to receive any unwanted attention even from family members, as they may not recognise people in costumes.

Please think twice about taking your dog on a trick or treat outing. The extra excitement around the event and meeting strangers may cause him distress.

We hope you and your dog have a fun & safe Halloween!

For more tips and tricks on how to keep your dog safe and happy this Halloween, keep an eye out on the Dogs Trust blog page here.

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