Deadline Extended for community food growing grant applications for Energia Get Ireland Growing funding pool

Community food growing is at the heart of GIY (Grow it Yourself) and, thanks to Energia a fund of €75,000 is available to apply for now.

Due to the phenomenal response to the Energia Get Ireland Growing, the deadline has been extended until the 26th of January. Grants of between €500 and €5,000 are available and will be awarded to 86 community groups across the island of Ireland to energise food growing projects.

Deadline Extended for community food growing grant applications for Energia Get Ireland Growing funding pool

FREE TO USE IMAGE. Pictured are Nathan Cullen-Delsol age 3 and Ultan Rohan age 6 at the launch of the ‘Energia Get Ireland Growing’ fund. GIY and Energia have teamed up to offer €75,000 to community groups who have from today until 26th January to apply for a share of the fund, aimed at enabling community food growing projects. Applications are being accepted via, Picture: Patrick Browne

Karen O’Donohoe, Campaign Patron and GIY Head of Community Development says, “We are delighted to hear from hundreds of groups eager to apply to the fund. Realising how many groups are interested in the Energia Get Ireland Growing fund we want to make sure everybody gets the opportunity to get his or her application in for this brilliant community-empowering initiative. That’s why we’ve added on a week for groups to get their applications in. But get your skates on! We still need to read all those applications and pick the awardees, so we definitely won’t be extending it any further.”

In 2017, over 600 applications were received, and 85 groups were awarded funding. This year the fund has increased to fund to €75,000, thanks to Energia, and one group will be awarded a €5,000 grant. This prize is in conjunction with the RTE Today Show and the finalists and winners will have the opportunity to sit on the red couch with Maura and Daithi and tell the country about their amazing food growing project. Could it be you?

For anyone applying, the process couldn’t be simpler. Just go to WWW.GIY.IE and fill in a simple application form and telling us about your project. For the Today Show application of €5,000 submit a short video about your project and the people involved. Upload the video to social media and include a link to it in your application form. And don’t forget to tag @EnergiaGIG!

Apply now at


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