Offaly To Benefit From Arts Council Investment
The Arts Council, the government agency for leading the development of the arts in Ireland, today announced funding for Birr Theatre in 2017. Reopened in 2001, Birr Theatre is an independent, multi-discilinary arts centre with a 220 seat theatre, gallery and rehearsal space.
Arts Council Director Orlaith McBride said: “In our investment approach, we have focused in particular on broadening the reach of the arts in Ireland. We will work with a range of partners, in local, community, educational, youth and other settings, to ensure that people experience the best of the arts over the next 12 months.”
Today’s announcement forms part of the Arts Council’s planned investment of €65.1 million for 2017, which will see people across Ireland engage with the arts in exciting and innovative ways. The investment represents an increase of €5 million, or 8.6%, on the 2016 amount.
Local authorities, individual artists, particularly emerging artists, work for children and young people, local authorities and community-based arts practices are a particular focus of the Arts Council’s strategy, Making Great Art Work and have therefore received significant increases in investment.
Arts Council Chair Sheila Pratschke said: “Our grant from Government for 2017 is €65.1 million, which is €5 million more than 2016. Our strategy prioritises the artist and public engagement, and our decisions for 2017 focus on small festivals, individual and emerging artists, community-based practice and work with and for children and young people. This means more great work will be made by artists and arts organisations for people in every part of the country.”
The Arts Council said its grant from government for 2017 would be €65.1m representing an increase of €5 million, or 8.3 percent, on the 2016 amount.