Sports clubs urged to register for €40M Sports Capital Fund before 7th February

Minister of State for Tourism and Sport Michael Ring has announced that the 2014 Sports Capital Programme will open for applications today, Friday at 12 noon and has urged all sports clubs and organisations to register as soon as possible to be in with a chance of accessing the €40 million in funding available.

“More than a thousand organisations have registered already and there is only limited time available for other sports clubs to apply. The 2012 Programme was a huge success but demand outstripped supply, with €7.50 sought for every €1 available. That’s why it’s vital for clubs and groups applying for the 2014 scheme to get registered immediately and start filling out the online form now to give themselves the best chance of making a good application,” Minister Ring said.

Applications can only be made online this year and all interested bodies should go toWWW.SPORTSCAPITALPROGRAMME.IE to register and make an application.

Key dates for applicants to note are:


•          Open for applications from 12 noon on Friday 17th January;

•          Closed for registration at 5pm on Friday 7th February;

•          Closed for applications at 5pm on Friday 28th February.

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