Green Business hosts Resource Efficiency Seminars for businesses in association with IBEC, Enterprise Ireland and BIM.

Green Business, one of the flagship programmes of the National Waste Prevention Scheme, has just teamed up with IBEC, Enterprise Ireland and BIM, to host a series of seminars on Resource Efficiency, this November.

These seminars will demonstrate how easy it is to improve resource efficiency in business, by asking a number of businesses to show other businesses like yours, what they have done.

The risings costs of materials, energy and water can have a significant impact on the profitability of any business.  Through working with Green Business, efforts made by businesses to optimise the use of resources, while improving the efficiency of their processes have proved a win/win for both business and the environment, in every case.

These FREE seminars in Athlone, Dublin and Cork will showcase many Irish companies who have made significant cost savings, often through very simple changes to the process.

A number of examples include;

Bewleys Tea and Coffee Facility has progressively implemented energy efficiency improvements, with the result that the plant now uses 40% less energy for every bag of coffee produced!

Freshway’s sandwiches saved €15,000 per year by selling waste bread crusts to a bread crumb manufacturer. Originally they were composting these crusts at a cost to the company!

The Irish Dairy Board offices in Dublin has reduced its heating costs by €16,000 per year by switching their oil boiler to a new gas boiler. The new boiler will have paid for itself in 3 years.

CG Power Systems Ireland, in Cavan, has reduced its gas bill by €200,000 per year by re-using waste heat from a painting oven to provide space heating for the facility.

James Hogan, Director of Green Business says “We have worked with a number of meat processing plants and it is amazing the amount of hot water they use for cleaning. Green business discovered in one facility, that by reducing the flow rates from hoses by 20%, the business could save the €42,000 a year in water and energy cost. There was no cost whatsoever in making this change flow rates from hoses.”

“We have lined up a group of highly interesting speakers- business owners and managers, who will give you their views on Resource Efficiency, and what it has done to their profit margins.”

Mohamed Hamoud from Heinz in Dundalk, will talk about conservation of packaging and outline how his company re-uses cardboard packaging in the distribution of food products.

John Durcan from Anglo Beef Processors will discuss Water Stewardship in the Anglo Beef  Group in Ireland and the UK. Measures they used to manage water include process efficiency measures, water reuse and rainwater harvesting.

Sandra Hennessy – BIM – Green Seafood Business programme will discuss the need for Seafood Processing sector to reduce the inputs of water, energy and packaging and thus supporting a positive environmental profile for the seafood business.

John Lynch, Environmental specialist with Janssen Pharmaceuticals will speak to other businesses about the importance of Environmental sustainability and product stewardship for Johnson and Johnson.

Janssen Pharmaceuticals is a leader in resource efficiency and was instrumental in establishing the first clean technology centre in Ireland 21 years ago. It is a shining example of how businesses can save money by being efficient.


John said “Janssen Biologics and Pharmaceutical facilities in Cork have driven resource efficiency programmes to reduce the environmental aspects of their operations. Programmes have included ‘Zero Waste’ to Landfill, rainwater collection to provide 25% of water needs, the installation of a wind turbine to generate 50% of electrical power and the use of ‘Green Chemistry’ to reduce hazardous waste by 1,200 tonnes /annum.”

Green Business, Enterprise Ireland and BIM plan to highlight case studies from a range of businesses which have implemented resource efficiency and or lean manufacturing programmes and successfully reduced their overheads to make their business more sustainable.

Sign up for the seminar near you today, to hear about the challenges of resource efficiency, what business managers have done to bring success to their companies, and ensure their sustainability.

Dates and venues

·Athlone 12th November              Athone Springs Hotel

·Dublin – 13th November           Bewley’s Hotel  Leopardstown, Dublin 18

·Cork  -14th November              Silver Springs Hotel, Tivoli, Cork

Morning seminar- Registration 9.00am

To book a place at one of these seminars, e mail
For more information on who is speaking on what date log on to

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