Offaly Water Supplies Latest Update

Offaly Local Authorities wish to advise that following a large number of repairs to water mains and service connections, the overall situation with regard to Offaly Water supplies has improved significantly, and disruption is now at a minimum. Some consumers in higher areas and on the periphery of schemes may still experience poor pressure and intermittent supply.

Demand is still well in excess of what it was before the cold spell and accordingly, Offaly Local Authorities appeals to consumers to conserve water and to continue checking for leaks on their own premises. We ask keyholders to check unoccupied premises for burst pipes. We also ask farmers to check outbuildings and drinking troughs regularly.

Car washing and other non-essential water usage should be avoided until further notice.

Water may be shut off at any time during the day to facilitate further repairs. Water supply may be restricted overnight on the Tullamore and Ferbane schemes to maintain reservoir levels.

Water Services Staff continue to ensure repairs are carried out promptly and that water supplies will be maintained.

Offaly Local Authorities acknowledges the co-operation of the public during this difficult period and assures consumers that every effort is being made to restore full service.

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