Irish Company WINI Technologies Wins Developer Challenge at Mobile World Congress 2011
Dublin based WINI Technologies was last night named as the winner of the
prestigious AePONA/ Neustar Developer challenge at the Mobile World
Speaking about WINI Technologies entry, Michael Crossey, VP Marketing
AePONA, said “we are delighted with the number and extremely high
quality of the entries this year but it is WINI’s use and integration of
Location, SMS, CALL Routing and Mobile Billing API’s made their WINIcabs
product stand out immediately”.
WINI, which stands for When I Need It, Where I Need it, is an Irish
start up technology company based in Blackrock, Dublin. The WINI cabs
system is a patented, fully automated taxi dispatch system that links
available taxis with customer using existing mobile phone technology.
Having automatically established their location the customer’s phone
call is diverted to an available taxi driver that is less than 5 minutes
drive away. Once the pick up point has been agreed the customer receives
a security confirmation text giving the drivers name, make, model and
colour of the taxi and taxi license number. Once the trip is complete
the customer has several additional options to pay the taxi fare
including charging to a credit card or even charging it to their mobile
phone bill. Anyone can call a taxi using the WINIcabs system from any
mobile phone.
Paul O’Loughlin Kennedy CEO WINI Technologies Stated, “Winning this
award is a great honor for us. I am thrilled that we have represented
what is best in Irish technology, research and development at this
Global Congress. Within hours of us achieving this award we have been
approached by several government bodies and international communications
companies to discuss our product and how it may benefit them. I hope
that our success will encourage other Irish technology companies toenter
the Global stage.“
Live testing has started among the 900 Dublin Taxi drivers that have
already signed up for the system with a full commercial launch planned
for summer 2011
*For further information, please contact:*
Richard Burke PR – 00353 86 8167822 _Richard@inet.ie_
Paul O’Loughlin Kennedy CEO WINI Technologies, Mob: + 353 86 243 8556
Tel: + 353 1 437 2840